Help Keep Hauraki Gulf Islands Pest Free
Rotor Work is a proud holder of the Pest-free Warrant, demonstrating our commitment to protecting the precious ecosystems of the Hauraki Gulf. We work closely with Auckland Council and the Department of Conservation (DOC) to ensure the islands remain pest-free. Before traveling with us, please take the time to understand the necessary biosecurity measures.
To protect these islands,
we need your help!
We follow and support the biosecurity requirements set out by Auckland Council and DOC. Please thoroughly check and clean your gear for pests prior to arrival. For more information, visit the Pest-Free Hauraki Gulf page.
Before traveling with Rotor Work, ensure your gear is clean and pest-free. Learn how to check your gear by visiting the Pest-Free Hauraki Gulf page.

Learn More About Pest-Free Hauraki Gulf
Watch this video to better understand the importance of keeping the Hauraki Gulf pest-free:
Why you need to check your gear
The Hauraki Gulf is a nationally-significant marine park. Many of the islands of the Gulf are pest free, or partially pest free. This means they are now home to some of New Zealand’s rarest and most endangered species – eg tuatara, takahe, shore plover and kiwi. The islands are also recovering naturally as birds reintroduce themselves to these safe havens. It is important to keep them pest free – and we need your help!
Pest animals and plants can invade our islands by stowing away on or in your footwear, gear or boat. Rats can squeeze through a 12 mm gap and mice can squeeze through a 7 mm gap. Insects could hide in your bag, and weeds, seeds and soil could cling to your clothing and shoes.
Pests threaten New Zealand's native wildlife.
Rats eat birds, eggs, reptiles and insects.
Mice prey on insects and eat small birds and reptiles.
Argentine ants can reach large numbers and have a big appetite killing our native insects, skinks, geckos and baby birds.
Plague skinks compete with native lizards and other animals for food and habitat and have displaced our native skinks on the mainland.
Soil can carry plant diseases such as kauri dieback.
Weed seeds can become a weed forest and smother native plants
Prepare for your trip by being alert for these threats.
Make sure all food is packed and sealed in plastic containers with lid. Ensure cardboard boxes are closed and taped – there must be no opportunity for an unwanted pest to access the container/box in transit.
Ensure all footwear and gear is clean and free of soil.
Thoroughly check any camping or overnight gear for stowaways. Gear that has been stored away is high risk.
Thoroughly check seedlings, potting mix or plant matter to ensure there are no hitch-hikers.
Seal up your gear/food as soon as you have finished packing and leave it closed until you reach your destination.